Death to Clout Chasing
You need to slap yourself, if instead of being a productive member of society, you're a clout chaser. TLC told us years ago that chasing “Waterfalls" was a bad idea. The theme of the song was chasing unrealistic things, isn't the right move. But now some envision with both their right and left eye that clout chasing is a career path. When in reality, it's more toxic than eating Chipotle in 2016.
If you're above the age of 30, you might be asking what clout chasing is? What is clout? Two great questions but will never top "Do midgets have night vision?" and "If I eat myself, will I become twice as big or disappear completely?" Those last two were actual questions posted online and might be the greatest questions ever asked. As much as it pains me to say, let's stick with the clout chasing question for now. It seems like you can define it in a few different ways, but the common element is when you'll do anything on social media or YouTube for views, likes, and followers. One girl has made her name known for all the wrong reasons recently while chasing clout. Ava Louise is a social media junkie, who looks like every basic white girl but with Jay-Z's lips. She's laid the blueprint for clout chasing. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in America, she posted a video where she licked an airplane toilet seat and called it the "Coronavirus Challenge." Ever since she turned her taste buds into her biggest enemy, she's been on Dr. Phil's show explaining her actions. He asked her how if she would feel if she spread the coronavirus to someone else as a result of doing this? Her response was a simple "No.” This response shouldn't be a surprise when you consider the facts. Can we expect regret from someone who chooses to look like a walking peanut allergy?
Meet Ava Louise, ladies and gentlemen. From her Instagram account @avalouiise.
Ava needs a Benadryl, Louise comes from a long line of other clout chasers. Another dipshit who falls into this category is some dude named Larz. He calls himself a social media influencer, which is just a fancy way of saying, "I have no talent." Larz took part in the “Coronavirus Challenge” and licked a toilet. He went to town on it too. Like a sloppy drunk kiss right on the rim where guys get urine on consistently. He posted a video on his account a few days later of him appearing to be in a hospital room, saying he got COVID-19. He later came out saying him being sick was fake, but who knows what to believe. Can we agree that anyone who deliberately gives themselves coronavirus shouldn't get a hospital bed, a ventilator, or any care at all? If people like this get sick, they’ll be taking away resources from others who's lives depend on it. If you lick a toilet and get coronavirus, the only doctor that deserves to help you is Dr. Pepper.
Strangely enough, this isn't the first time people have licked stuff for attention on social media. Not long ago, people were licking the tops of ice cream at stores and putting it back on the freezer. Our old buddy Larz, always chasing that clout, did that as well. Too bad this feather duster wannabe didn't do this when Blue Bell was having an outbreak of listeria in their ice cream because that would have solved that problem real quick. But this is the conundrum with social media and YouTube. People will do anything, and I mean anything, for a following. One guy faked the death of his girlfriend, just to make a video of him fake crying over her fraudulent memorial. There are several videos online of people eating food out of toilets. People have also died for the sake of views. Pedro Ruiz III was shot and killed in a failed YouTube video back in 2017. He was doing a stunt that involved holding a book to his chest and his girlfriend, Monalisa Perez was going to shoot the book. Stupid in its own right, but for whatever reason, they choose to use an incredibly powerful handgun for the stunt. The book didn't stop the bullet, and Ruiz died as a result. Perez later pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter.
Instead of 15 seconds of fame, it's now 15,000 views of fame. Fame has always been an addiction, but now it's a problem perpetuated by all the platforms we have. We're addicted to so much in society today, sugar, opioids, hating on Carole Baskin. But our social media addiction is a dark issue we shouldn't take lightly. People are literally dying for attention. Now idiots are clout chasing and doing stupid shit like the "Coronavirus Challenge" so they can trend online. These people chasing popularity, hopefully, know that popularity eventually fades away. Ask the rapper J-Kwon about popularity. If you're asking, "Who the hell is J-Kwon?," well, that's my point. Is licking a toilet really how you want to be remembered? For the rest of her life, all Ava Louise, who looks like one of the characters in the movie "Midsommar" will be known for, is licking a toilet.
From the movie “Midsommar.”
Don't think doing stupid videos online won't have consequences either. Two people, alleged to be Jeffery Hume and Stephanie Freeman recorded a Tik Tok video showing extreme racism against black people. I'm sure they thought it was funny and would get them some attention. They were right about the attention part alright. That video ended up going viral, and they both were expelled from school because of the content in it.
If clout chasing is a drug, then people like this are Tyrone Biggums. Plus, if you support individuals like this, then you're an enabler. These "Innocent" or "Harmless" videos have way more of an impact than you think. The "Coronavirus Challenge" may seem like fun and games, but long term, it's anything but a joke. First, you're potentially spreading a deadly virus that has killed more than 290,000 people by doing it. Second, you're also encouraging others to follow in your steps, OR do something even dumber next time. I miss the days were people were doing the cinnamon challenge, or even the Tide pod challenge because at least that would only hurt yourself. But now you're potentially harming people who don't deserve it, all for a few clicks. Ask yourself, are these worthless videos really worth it?
If you have a platform with some followers, use it to do something productive. Show ways to help those on the front lines who are fighting this pandemic. Foster a shelter animal and document the joy that brings. I would say recommend a self-help book you think might be beneficial for others, but if you're licking toilets for fun, it probably means you can't read. Otherwise, if you want to spend your time licking something that could potentially kill you, I hope you ramp up it a notch. I want you to take a stab at licking something that will actually kill you, like OJ Simpson. Just imagine the views that will get you.
* Watch the recorded version of this post here.